There are certain considerations that need to be taken into account when you are searching for a bankruptcy attorney. In Seattle, there are many qualified attorneys who can help you get the discharge you need. If you choose the wrong attorney, however, your bankruptcy can go very badly.
The first thing you need to consider is your gut feeling after meeting with an attorney. The attorney should ask several intelligent questions about your situation before recommending that bankruptcy is something you should consider. This should include a discussion of your debts, your income and the particulars of your situation.
Do not let an attorney sit down with you and start throwing their contract at you with a fee you need to pay.
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Individual attention to your particular situation is needed. The decision to file bankruptcy is yours, but if you hire a bankruptcy attorney who has not personally helped you evaluate your financial situation, then you have not found one of the truly competent attorneys Seattle has to offer.
Your gut will tell you. I understand most people hardly ever have the need to speak and evaluate an attorney. But for those I have spoken to who have been through an experience with a bad lawyer, there is usually a feeling at some point that the client felt that there legal situation was going to go badly.
Now it is important to understand that attorneys make mistakes. Things get missed. In bankruptcy, your legal rights are hardly ever significantly affected if this mistake is discovered in a reasonable fashion as most problems that arise in bankruptcy due to mistakes can be easily corrected.
What I speak of does not entail you trying to evaluate your attorney based on whether or not you think he or she will be perfect. Trust me, they won't be. But when you get that ugly feeling in your gut that this guy doesn't care, you ought to go out and find another attorney.
I have recently read a case in which a bankruptcy attorney was sanctioned by his court in a dispute that arose in one of his cases. A disclosure that was required was not made. The client lost her discharge and the court looked into the situation, which ended in the attorney testifying against his client in court.
It was not pretty and it was avoidable. Any legal situation you find yourself in can be tricky and difficult to manage. But it is important for you to ask the question about whether you trust this attorney to get you through your problem. If all you do is find an attorney off television or the first guy you see on the internet, you could find yourself in real trouble.
There are a couple of things you can to do to ensure you will sign up with the attorney of your choice. First, ask for a personal referral. Attorneys who have done good work for a friend of yours would most likely do good work for you.
Secondly, try and speak to at least three attorneys. If you call one attorney, go to a free consultation and sign up, then you have no one to blame but yourself if things go wrong. Talking to three attorneys gives you the chance evaluate your options and choose which one is best for you.
I would also recommend that you be careful about going for the cheapest attorney. You want your attorney sufficiently comfortable to be able to focus on your case and give it the attention it deserves. Attorneys who's rates are very low may just have their profit margins on their mind as opposed to the details of your case.
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