As the economy continues to spiral downward, many Americans are afraid they might be facing a bankruptcy filing in the future. None of the economic news that the media is putting out seems very promising. The perfect storm is being created because the government continues to print and borrow more money with the consequences of evaluating the US dollar. Many economists are predicting hyperinflation due to Keynesian economics the current administration is trying to unsuccessfully use to get out of trouble. Americans are now fearing that they may have to file for bankruptcy if things don't get better. The credit card debt of the average American is now eight times higher than it was 30 years ago. With so many people surviving only on their credit cards, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that many of these individuals will end up filing for bankruptcy.
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The idea of filing bankruptcy sends chills down most individual spines. It's really not as bad as what most people think as long as the debtor has the help of an experienced bankruptcy attorney. How do you find a quality bankruptcy attorney? It's not a common topic at the dinner table as most people don't want to accept the fact that a bankruptcy filing might be in their future. There's also the pride thing. Many people that are struggling to make ends meet are embarrassed about their pending financial failure that they won't ask for help. Filing for bankruptcy is not usually something that people want to share with their friends and family.
When looking for a bankruptcy attorney the most important thing that an individual should look for is experience. It's just like finding a good surgeon, in most cases, the more surgeries they perform, the better they get at it. The more experience a bankruptcy attorney has, the odds are better that they will face different circumstances that allows them to have more knowledge of all areas of the bankruptcy code. Most attorneys try to practice in a specific area of the law that they excel at. Many specialize in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, working with families and individuals. There are others that make their forte, Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which is more geared around protecting real estate and property.
Since the changes to the bankruptcy code in 2005, filing bankruptcy has taken on a new complexity that should not be done without the help of a bankruptcy attorney. Although, the law allows for an individual to file bankruptcy pros se, it's not advised. There are many landmines that someone could run into trying to do it on their own from filling out the petition all the way down to the timing of when to file bankruptcy.
When an individual considers filing for bankruptcy, if they don't know an attorney, they should go consult with a couple of attorneys before they make their final decision. Finding the right bankruptcy attorney also includes the dynamic of the relationship. When a person is intimidated by their bankruptcy attorney, they can find themselves afraid to share everything with an attorney. It's important to have an attorney that you feel comfortable with and not afraid to ask any questions. After the debtor finds a bankruptcy attorney that they feel comfortable with, they should make sure that an attorney has experience with the debtor's specific situation. If there are no references for the debtor to check, they should check out the bankruptcy attorney online on sites like the BBB and the local state bar. bankruptcy might be the most important financial decisions in individual might make, that's why a person should take the time to find the right bankruptcy attorney to take them through it.
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